The Studie of GeoMetry is a meditation on the harmony of the cosmic order

Current Project:


Searching for a new way on Abstract Art an Idea arrive to me: Working with Quick Response Code (QR Codes). What I can do with QR code? Where is the art? Could anything that aparently has no beauty be transformed by an artist into something artisticaly valuable? How can I make people not only be observers of my Work but also a participant?

QRCookies are part of this journay where I related small videos with QR codes, looking forward to generate a moment of joy to your sences.

#QRCodes #AbstractArt #VideoArt #HumanComputerInteraction #ColorTheory #Cybernetics

Next Projects:

Additive Vs Subtractive Color System.

New generation are more expose to Additive Colors and and with Immersive Reality there will be no returning point.
What are the consequences of building color memories with Additive Color system? How powerfull could be colors? New generation are more expose to Additive Colors and and with Immersive Reality there will be no returning point.

Immersive into real reality

I choosed the bridge located in Ilsestraße & Siegfriedstraße, where I will going to paint completely and I will use computer vision to analise how it will change during the process of "extream make over".

#ImmersiveReality #ComputerVision #AbstractArt #ColorTheory #Cybernetics


I am learning to see the world through Cybernetic eyes, meaning translating everything in terms of REQUISITE VARIETY.
Looking for the answer of How can I really shift gears, and think differently? I am consciously revising my common sense Ideas that no longer make sense. I want to canalize minimalistic, beauty, original, modern, and functional ideas so that with my example and work I do all what I can to influence people's thinking to be more systemic.
What I hope for is that our common sense, the things we take for granted, the premises we don't question will change and that that will make it posible to work together to meet the challenges that we face as a society.

If it is we who construct our experiential worlds then it is we who are responbsible for them and the environments around us.

About myself

I am a multidimensional being that experiment with dimensions of actuality. I am able to manipulate time and space. In my work one of my main preoccupations is to create beauty that impinges itself in as many various dimensions of reality as possible.
I always find in my work what support my sensitivity. This way I keep it as simple as posible by loving, playing, dancing, drawing, colouring or, singing like a child. I consciously make time for the joyful freedom and magic of play.

Berlin: Wesiestr 59, 12049. Carosio/Motta

+49 176 6966 1368